Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wedded Bliss

Wedding Savers

I literally could not have pulled together my wedding in 2 months had it not been for these girls!  Thank you again for all your hard work...and love!

Love ya!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Perfect Day!

Rob and I did it! WE GOT MARRIED! It was a beautiful day and a beautiful ceremony. I could not have asked for more. Every thing went off very well...except for the DJ. But I had some awesome girls taking care of everything and did not worry too long about the situation. We loved seeing our friends and family come and celebrate with us. We truly felt loved!

And now happily ever after begins....

Rob loves to talk about our little family. We are enjoying putting our house together with our new gifts and love building to the home that we have already built together.

Stay tuned for pictures!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

When you're 15

You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
Its the morning of your very first day
you say hi to your friends you aint seen in a while
Try and stay out of everybodys way
its your freshman year and youre gonna be here
for the next four years in this town
hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
you know I havent seen you around, before

Cause when youre fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
youre gonna believe them
and when youre fifteen
feeling like there nothing to figure out
well count to ten, take it in
this is life before who youre gonna be

You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail
and soon enough youre best friends
laughing at the other girls who think theyre so cool
well be out of here as soon as we can
and then youre on your very first date and hes got a car
and youre feeling like flying
and youre momas waiting up and you think hes the one
and youre dancing round your room when the night end
when the night ends

[15 Lyrics On ]

Cause when youre fifteen and somebody tell you they love you
youre gonna believe them
when youre fifteen and your first kiss
makes your head spin round but
in your life youll do greater than dating the boy on the football team
but I didnt know it at fifteen

When all you wanted was to be wanted
wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now
Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
but I realized some bigger dreams of mine

and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy
who changed his mind and we both cried

Cause when youre fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
youre gonna believe them
and when youre fifteen, dont forget to look before you fall
Ive found that time can heal most anything
and you just might find who youre supposed to be
I didnt know who I was supposed to be at fifteen

La la la la la .. la la la la la . La la la la la

Youre very first day
take a deep breath girl
take a deep breath as you walk through those doors.

Planning your wedding makes you nostalgic about the past. At 15, 18 and 21 I thought I had it all figured out.... little did I know that I knew nothing about life and even how to survive. With time and some really bad choices you start to realize that you don't have it figured out and your pretty lost. I would not go back for all the money in the world. I love how my life has turned out and I love that in month exactly I will marry the man I was destined to be with. And at 28 when someone says they love you're going to believe it!
Publish Post

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Loving life

Rob sent me a sweet email and included this song...

Where are you going?
With the long face pulling down
Don’t hide away like the ocean
That you can’t see
But you can smell
And the sound of waves crash down

I am no superman
I have no reasons for you
I am no hero, oh that’s for sure
But I do know one thing:
It’s where you are is where I belong

I do know, where you go
Is where I wanna be

Where are you going?
Where do you go?

Are you looking for answers to questions under the stars
If along the way, you are growing weary
You can rest with me until a brighter day, and you’re ok

I am no superman
And I have no answers for you
I am no hero, oh that’s for sure
But I do know one thing:
Where you are, is where I belong
I do know, where you go
Is where I wanna be

Where are you going?
Where do you go?
And where are you going?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Let the planning begin...

Most people would think I am crazy for planning my wedding in two short months, but when you have waited all your life for it and have known for a while what you want...there is not reason to wait. Planning this wedding has been my saving grace. It allows me to keep busy and at the same time look forward to the future. Rob and I are so excited and so very ready to be married. I have never seen him be so excited for something in his life.

Some people go through life and it is not till later they lose the precious people in their lives. I unfortunately have had to do that twice in one year. But knowing that God only gives you want you can handle has shown me that I can deal with a lot. I have peace with my losses and know there will be joy again. My heart and thoughts go out to all the special people in my life who have to deal with losing someone or something they wish they could have back. The pain will go away and we will be ok. It is these times that show us who we really are. Thank you to everyone who stood by me...I only hope I can return the favor.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Engaged... begins.

The start to all the changes that Rob and I are about to encounter. Yesterday he asked me to be his wife in a way that I never expected. But, that is Rob...always the creative one. We now have a stone embedded at the new stadium that will forever be there...or until Jerry Jones decides to move again. ;-) We can take our children there to see it every year!! So...stay tuned b/c things are about to move a warp speed. Yep... the wedding will be just around the corner!! I am so happy!!!