Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jameson Thomas Jones has arrived!

This past week has been unbelievable! I went in last Monday to the hospital to get some medicine to kick start my body to go into labor.  I was scheduled to be induced on Friday night and hopefully have him on Saturday Nov 20th.  Well little man had other plans.  I was hooked up to a monitor on Monday while they put the medicine in to make sure I did not go into labor.  Well even before they gave me anything his heart rate started to drop.  Three nurses run in and flip me on my side and his heart rate came back up.  Well, because all this happened the nurse just watched me for an hour and then gave me the medicine and told me she was going to have to watch me longer than the regular hour.  An hour and a half passes by and my nurse went on break and another nurse came to check on me.  I asked if I could go to the restroom and she did not see a problem with it since he was doing so well now.  Well, I came back and she hooked me up again and his heart rate had dropped yet again.  Before I knew what was happening I had one nurse putting in an IV and another nurse giving me oxygen and another one talking about an emergency C section.  I went to this appointment alone because I was just getting medicine and going back home to rest.  So, of course now I am freaking out because Rob is not there and they are talking about delivering our son right then.  They finally got his heart rate up and the doctor comes and talks to me.  She says she can not let me leave and that our baby need to be born today.  I call everyone and they all rush up to the hospital. 

So, I start being prepped for a C section and the doctor wants to give me an epidural instead of a spinal because of my heart condition.  (Spinals make you numb immediately and can mess with your blood pressure)  Well, the epidural does not work after 2 tries and they had to end up giving me a spinal.  But, all ended well.  Jameson Thomas Jones was born at 5:25pm on November 15th weighing 6lbs 11 oz and was 18 inches long.

The reason his heart rate dropped was because his umbilical cord was wrapped twice around his neck.  The doctor said he would not have done well with labor at all.  God was definitely watching over my baby and me that day.  Rob and I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  Our family is now complete. 

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